Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

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Author(s): Vilhelmsen, H.
Title: Status of Dormice (Muscardinus avellanarius) in Denmark
Year: 2003
Volume: 49
Pages: 139-145.

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Abstract: During 1980–2002, investigations on the habitat types and distribution pattern of the Danish populations of the common dormouse (Muscardinus avellanarius) were carried out in Zealand, Funen and selected sites of SE-Jutland. The presence of dormice was investigated directly by observing dormouse visits and nesting activities in nest boxes placed in selected regions and indirectly by searching systematically for summer nests in the vegetation visiting all major woodland areas. A total of 98 forest districts and 248 woods were searched by walking along parallel transects especially after leaf fall. The presence of dormice was confirmed from 31 forest districts, of these 58% in Zealand, 39% on Funen and 3% in SE-Jutland. Typical habitats could be classified as 56% from young woodland growth with scrub, herbs and bushes, 12% from forest regeneration, 26% from marginal areas, 4% in under-storey of high forest and 2% in alternative habitats as fruit-gardens and orchards. The preferred Danish habitat is characterized by permanent stability, high plant diversity, varied groups among trees, a distinctive structure and rich vegetation of herbs and bushes. The regional distribution has been shrinking to few major forest regions or smaller woodland areas too small and isolated from one another for maintaining stable populations. Great effort is now being taken in order to protect the regional Danish dormouse population by means of an action-strategy plan concerning forest management and financial support, a monitoring programme, nest boxes placed to increase the population, genetic analyses and planning faunal bridges by new road and railway constructions.
Keywords: Muscardinus avellanarius, habitat requirements, conservation programme, Denmark

Journal: Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae
Journal abbreviation:
ISSN: 1217-8837
Publisher: Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest
Editor(s): Matskási, I., Peregovits, L., Morris, P. A. & Bakonyi, G.