Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

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Author(s): Hartel, T. & Nemes, Sz.
Title: Assessing the effect of toe clipping on the yellow bellied toads
Year: 2006
Volume: 52
Pages: 359-366.

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Abstract: In this paper we analyze/investigate the effect of toe clipping on Bombina variegata, by comparing the body conditions of marked and unmarked individuals. We marked 395 adult B. variegata in 2003 and 413 in 2004. In 2005 we measured the SVL and wet body weight of 27 recaptured individuals and compared this with unmarked individuals from the population. We found no significant effect of toe clipping on the body condition. These results, together with examination of the health of recaptured toads and behavioural data indicates that toe clipping has no negative effect. Nevertheless, caution is needed in using the toe clipping method because the recently discovered and spreading chytrid fungus that could infect the marked amphibians and cause chytridiomicosis.
Keywords: toe clipping, body condition, amphibians

Journal: Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae
Journal abbreviation:
ISSN: 1217-8837
Publisher: Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest
Editor(s): Bakonyi, G., Mahunka, S., Papp, L., Báldi, A., Csuzdi, Cs. & Forró, L.