Author(s): Lanszki, J., Sugár, L., Orosz, E. & Nagy, D.
Title: Biological data from post mortem analysis of otters in Hungary
Year: 2008
Volume: 54
Pages: 201-212.
Abstract: In this paper we examined the characteristics of reproduction parameters, stomach content and inner organ weights on carcasses (male, n = 67, female n = 57, unknown n = 3) of otters (Lutra lutra) collected in Hungary between 1999 and 2006. Most otter carcasses (90.6%) were collected as road casualties. In breeding females (n = 28), the mean (±SE) number of placental scars was 2.22±0.17. One female was pregnant (3 embryos). Suckling were detected at four females, the number of active teats (2–4) equalling the number of placental scars. Reproduction period, calculated from the age of juveniles, was long (from winter to summer). No seasonal difference was found in the gonado-somatic index values of adult males, and births were estimated to have occurred from winter to summer. The stomach was empty in 31% of the cases, while mean weight of the stomach content was 49 g the main food eaten by otters was small-size, non-commercial fish. In the adult age group, the organ weight index of the kidneys (P < 0.01) and adrenal glands (P < 0.05) was greater in females, while in case of the other organs: heart, liver, spleen, tyroid glands and lungs no significant difference was found.
Keywords: Hungary, Lutra lutra, uterine horn, placental scar, testis, organ index
Journal: Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae
Journal abbreviation:
ISSN: 1217-8837
Publisher: Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest
Editor(s): Bakonyi, G., Mahunka, S., Papp, L., Báldi, A., Csuzdi, Cs. & Forró, L.