Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

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Author(s): Vadász, C., Német, Á., Biró, C. & Csörgő, T.
Title: The effect of reed cutting on the abundance and diversity of breeding passerines
Year: 2008
Volume: 54
Pages: 177-188.

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Abstract: Reedbeds support high conservational value with their unique avifauna. Inadequate reed cutting methods can cause serious declines in the abundance of these bird species. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of reed cutting on the abundance and diversity of breeding passerine species, mainly Acrocephalus warblers. The study was carried out at Lake Kolon in Central Hungary, in homogenous reed (Phragmites communis) vegetation. Sample areas of 1 hectare in size were cut during 4 consecutive winters. Areas not cut but of the same size functioned as control areas. Sampling was carried out during the breeding season by mist-netting. Lake Kolon’s passerine avifauna at the cut areas showed decreased species richness and decreased abundance of most of the reed-nesting species, which also resulted in decreased diversity. The Savi’s Warbler (Locustella luscinioides), the Moustached Warbler (Acrocephalus melanopogon), the Sedge Warbler (A. schoenobaenus), and the Reed Warbler (A. scirpaceus) showed definite avoidance of the cut areas. Only the Great Reed Warbler (A. arundinaceus) showed preference for the cut areas. The study also revealed that edges created between cut and non-cut areas are much less preferred by passerine species than natural edges.
Keywords: edge effect, habitat preference, Acrocephalus spp., reed cutting, reedbed management

Journal: Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae
Journal abbreviation:
ISSN: 1217-8837
Publisher: Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest
Editor(s): Bakonyi, G., Mahunka, S., Papp, L., Báldi, A., Csuzdi, Cs., Forró, L., Andrikovics, S. & Kerekes, J.