Folia entomologica hungarica

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Author(s): Kovács, L. & Gozmány, L.
Title: Állattársulások vizsgálata, különös tekintettel a lepkékre
Title: Authors of animal coenoses, with special regard to Lepidoptera
Year: 1954
Volume: 7
Pages: 81-91.

Abstract: Authros call the attention of hungarian entomologists to the importance of coenological researches. They summarily defines coenological terms and enlighten their theme by examples derived from their coneological and production- biological investigations on lepidoptera. They point out that coenological investigations have the greatest importance both from theoretical and practical points of view. In the course of their coenological work, together with their coworkers, dr. F. Mihályi and Mrs. B. Németh, they have uncovered the Lepidoptera associations of some few plant associations, and exposed dependent parasites, besides having also discovered new species and varieties thereby furthering also the case of the working out of the fauna of Hungary.

Journal: Folia entomologica hungarica
Journal abbreviation: Folia ent. hung.
ISSN: 0373-9465
Publisher: ,
Editor(s): Soós, Á.