Folia entomologica hungarica

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Author(s): Szőcs, J.
Title: A budapesti Mártonhegy lepke-faunája
Title: The Lepidoptera Fauna of the Mártonhegy in Budapest
Year: 1955
Volume: 8
Pages: 157-171.

Abstract: Author collected Lepidoptera for about 12 years on the Mártonhegy (of about one sqare kilometer), looking towards the Capital, on the SE slopes of the hills of Buda. He asserts that he just about found all macrolepidoptera occuring there, but also that there are large gaps concerning the micro-moths owing to the fact that he began to collect them but recently. Author discusses the past of the site, its changes, and with special reference to its vegetation. On the ground of a map issued in 1836, he states that there had been vine culture on the greater part of the territory, and that only a smaller part had been left as meadows and forests. Phylloxera had devastated wine-culture also in this area, and then it had turned to weeds. Later, settlers appeared and presently it became a fashionable district of villas, artificial gardens and orchards. Author lived in the place marked with a +, where still earlier meadows, ditches, and fallow areas can be found. Ninety-eight per cent of all his Lepidoptera had been collected here. He enumerates 523 macrolepidoptera and 362 microlepidoptera species, the majority of wich are to be found also in his collection. The lepidoptera occuring in this area are divide by him into 3 groups: 1. the fauna of the oak forest , 2. that of dry and shrubby meadow-areas, 3 that of cultivated sites. There are, further, species wich do not breed in the respective areas, and appeared there by chance only. Instances are given for all groups. Finally, he states that some relict species of the forest and wine-cultivation still occur here occasionaly,- all of wich will, however, soon disapper. Most of them are species charatcteristic to waste areas following the destruction of wine-culture, with a fast invasion of species characteristical of cultivated areas, at the expense of the former inhabitants.

Journal: Folia entomologica hungarica
Journal abbreviation: Folia ent. hung.
ISSN: 0373-9465
Publisher: ,
Editor(s): Soós, Á.