Folia entomologica hungarica

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Author(s): Papp, J.
Title: A Kárpátmedence Microgaster Latr., Microplitis Först. és Hygroplitis Thoms. fajainak faunakatalógusa. (Hym. Braconidae) (Cat. Hym. XV.)
Year: 1959
Volume: 12
Pages: 61-74.

Abstract: Mocsáry (1897) enumerated 7 Microgaster Latr. and 14 Microplitis Först. species from the Carpathian Basin. These numbers were considerably increased by investigations since then, and now we account for 19 Microgaster,10 Microplitis, and 3 Hygroplitis species, that is, the number of species shown from this area was increased by 11 species. of these, 4 were described by the author. The check list was prepared in accordance with th other catalogues (Cat. Hym. 1-13.) published up to now. The names of the several species are followed by the collecting lcalities in the various faunistic districts according to the map of Móczár (1948), as well as the abbreviated names of the collectors put in bracets. Then we give the data of collecting, the month of the most frequent occurence, and eventual flower-visiting data.

Journal: Folia entomologica hungarica
Journal abbreviation: Folia ent. hung.
ISSN: 0373-9465
Publisher: ,
Editor(s): Kovács, I. E.