Folia entomologica hungarica

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Author(s): Győrfi, J.
Title: Dárdahordozó fürkészdarazsak (Gasteruptionidae) Sopron környékéről
Title: Gasteruptionid Wasps from Sopron and its Environs
Year: 1959
Volume: 12
Pages: 275-282.

Abstract: The family Gasteruptionidae with its 10 genera and about 300 species is represented by one genus and 26 species in Hungary. I have collected 16 species of theese interesting wasps around Sopron up to now. The wasps are parasitic on the aculeate Hymenoptera. I have bred them frequently also from the galls of gall-making wasps, but they are not their hosts, as many believe, but live on the smaller aculeate Hymenopterans infiltrated into the galls. The Gasteruptoid wasps can be met with on mostly white-flowering umbellifers, e.g. the wild carrot, the cow parsnip, the field eryngo, etc., in July and August. The female has a very long ovipositor, wich she carries perpendicularly. This characteristic gave these wasps their Hungarian nickname:"Spear bearing wasps".

Journal: Folia entomologica hungarica
Journal abbreviation: Folia ent. hung.
ISSN: 0373-9465
Publisher: ,
Editor(s): Kovács, I. E.