Folia entomologica hungarica

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Author(s): Tallós, P.
Title: Adatok a Vendvidék és az Őrség nagylepkefaunájához
Title: Data to the Macrolepidopterous Fauna of the Vendland and the Őrség
Year: 1959
Volume: 12
Pages: 301-326.

Abstract: Author made his faunistical and coenological invwestigations on the Macrolepidoptera of the hilly regions of the extreme spurs of the Alps, around Szentgotthárd on the SW borders of Hungary. The investigated area, though only at a level of 250-350 m above the sea, still retains a fauna of a strongly montane character (one third of the species is decidely montane). Phytogeographically, the area belongs already to the Eastern Alpine floral region (Noricum), so also the zoogeographical influence of the Alps is considerable. Author made his survays of an ecological value by lamplight, in 5 different kinds of plant communities (Luzulo-Fagetum, Fageto-Piceetum, Dicrano-Pinetum moinietosum, callunetosum, typicum), on one occasion in each. His surveys are avaulated according to the following points of view: 1. On the basis of the numbers of the collected specimens, he works out the distribution of faunal elements (after Bergmann) per plant associations. 2. He studies the distribution of the Lepidopterous stock within the several plant levels on the basis of the assumed foodplant. For instance: Let us duppose that 4 speciess (A,B,C,D) were captired during a survey. Species a represents 30 per cent of all specimens caught in the survey, species B 20 percent, species C 10 percent, and species D 40 percent. The foodplant of species A is Fagus, that of species B Quercus, that os species C Asperula, that of species D Carex. Since the foodplants of species A and B lie in the crown level, and those od species C and D in the grass level, ading the percentals of the several species accordingly, we arrive at the result that 50 percent of the whole collected Lepidopterousstock has its foodplant within the crown level, and that of the other 50 percent within the grass level. Finally, he gives a complete list of the species collected, with their locality, date and collecting method data.

Journal: Folia entomologica hungarica
Journal abbreviation: Folia ent. hung.
ISSN: 0373-9465
Publisher: ,
Editor(s): Kovács, I. E.