Folia entomologica hungarica

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Author(s): Steinmann, H.
Title: Egyenesszárnyú rovarok (Orthoptera) központi idegrendszerének feltárása
Title: The exposure of the Central Nervous System of the Orthopterans
Year: 1959
Volume: 12
Pages: 539-546.

Abstract: Author discusses in a short paper the methods of exposure of the central nervous system (cerebrum, ventral nervous bundle and sympaticus) of orthopterous insects. On figures 1-7. One may follow the exact situations of the several total and partial sections. Executing the various sections in a given order (on consecutive speciemens), we recieve the anatomical picture of the central nervous system of the insect studied. However, the examinations are rendered difficult by the circumstance that the nerves are usually colorless, soft, flimsy and shrivel easily. Therefore author recommends a the formaline pre-treatment of Ábrahám. The pre-treatment is made by a 10 per cent formaline, and the specimens prepared in this way will suitably harden after one or two days (but they may be conserved in it for a long time). As the effect of the formaline pre-treatment, the nerves obtain a pale metallic hue, the ganglia and other centres receive a light yellow color, they get rigid like a chord and do not shrink any more, wich highly facilitate their exposure.

Journal: Folia entomologica hungarica
Journal abbreviation: Folia ent. hung.
ISSN: 0373-9465
Publisher: ,
Editor(s): Kovács, I. E.