Folia entomologica hungarica

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Author(s): B. Balázs, K.
Title: Adatok az Orgyia antiqua L. (Lep., Lymantriidae) életmódjához
Title: Data to the Habits of Orgyia antiqua L. (Lep., Lymantriidae)
Year: 1967
Volume: 20
Pages: 203-212.

Abstract: Author in his dissertation treats of spreading, morphology, ownerplants, number of generation, swarming period, proportion of the sexes, number of the stadiums of larvas and duration of the individual development grades of the Orgyia antiqua L. He reports in the detail of the description of the imagines, the eggs, the five wormstadiums and the pupes. He reports of the habits of the race on the basis of his five years observations; accordingly in Hungary two generations develope every year. The duration of causing of loss of the worms continues from beginning of July to middle of August. The race hibernates in the shape of egg. Its egg state-in the case of generation hibernating- 8.0-8.5 months, in summer 13-15 days, the puppe state necessity for defending against it., author commends the sprinkling against the young worms simultaneously with the works of cleaning of trees by the solution of Wofatox Sp. 30 0.3-0.4% and Metasystox 0.1-0.2%.

Journal: Folia entomologica hungarica
Journal abbreviation: Folia ent. hung.
ISSN: 0373-9465
Publisher: ,
Editor(s): Steinmann, H.