Folia entomologica hungarica

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Author(s): Voigt, E.
Title: Adatok a szőlőn károsító molylepke-fajok rajzásához és elterjedési viszonyaihoz
Title: Data on the Swarming and Spreading of Microlepidoptera Species Damaging Vines
Year: 1967
Volume: 20
Pages: 623-635.

Abstract: The author studied the distribution of the three grape-moths (Clysia ambiguella b., Polychrosisbbotrana Schiff., Spaganothis pilleriana Sciff.) in 1964-1965-1966. The data of the light-trap networkoperating in Hungary served for the basis of investigation. According to the 1964 data of the light-trapnetwork, Polychrosis botrana Schiff. spread over the entire country. In 1966 the situation changed and thedamaging factor became Clysia ambiguella Hb. The territory of Clysia ambiguella Hb. also increased. Duringthe years under obsercvation, there were no changes either in the numbers of the Sparganothis pillerianaSchiff., or in the area of its damages. The author examined the effect of the main climatic factors affectingthe swarming of the grape-moths. It was found that the effects of low temperatures and moisture were negative.In the case of Sparganothis pilleriana Shiff., high temperatures and moistures were negative. In the case ofSparganothis pilleriana Schiff., high temperatures retarted swarming.

Journal: Folia entomologica hungarica
Journal abbreviation: Folia ent. hung.
ISSN: 0373-9465
Publisher: ,
Editor(s): Steinmann, H.