Folia entomologica hungarica

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Author(s): Zombori, L.
Title: Egy rendkívül ritka levéldarázs a Bakonyból (Hym.: Blasticootmidae)
Title: An extremly rare sawfly from the Mountains of Bakony Hungary (Hym.: Blasticotomidae)
Year: 1968
Volume: 21
Pages: 335-337.

Abstract: The author in the Bakonyi Muzeum at Veszprém in Hungary has identified a rare specimen of the Blasticotoma filiceti Klug 1834 in the Symphyta collection (mostly collected by Dr. J. Papp). He surveys the historical background of the species, enumerates the food plants published so far and suggests a further possible food plant Pteridium aquilinum in whose vicinity the specimen has been secured. The author draws attention to the fact that until now this sole species in Europe has only been reported from England, Finland, Germany (northern part), Holland and Sweden, this new locality from Hungary thus may arouse interest among systematists. Finally, a brief description of the specimen has all its abdomen black contrary to diagnoses indicating reddish brown colour on the abdominal sternites.

Journal: Folia entomologica hungarica
Journal abbreviation: Folia ent. hung.
ISSN: 0373-9465
Publisher: ,
Editor(s): Steinmann, H.