Folia entomologica hungarica

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Author(s): Horvatovich, S. & Papp, J.
Title: Entomológiai gyűjtőúton Jugoszláviában (A számozott lelőhelyek jegyzékével)
Title: Collecting insects in Yugoslavia (Including a list of localities with numbers)
Year: 1972
Volume: 25
Pages: 51-61.

Abstract: Between the 1st and 29th of May, 1971, we were collecting insects in Yugoslavia for the Natural History Museums, Budpest. We travelled down by car and covered something more than 4000 km, stopping at 20 different localities to collect. The majority of the colecting sites are in the eastern and southern parts of Yugoslavia (Serbia, Macedonia), please consult the list of localities on p. 60. At 10 sites we stopped fror 1-4 days the rest were touched en route. The specimens were secured by the following methods: sweeping, singling from under stones and bark, and from off the ground and flowers, beating, shore-washing and by the application of the Malaise-trap. The trip proved to be fruitful for some 35000 insects were collected together with other animals, this number shows the following distribution: Diptera 15000, Hymenoptera 8000, Coleoptera 8000, other insects and Arachnoidea 3000, Lumbricidae 500 and Gatropoda 500.

Journal: Folia entomologica hungarica
Journal abbreviation: Folia ent. hung.
ISSN: 0373-9465
Publisher: ,
Editor(s): Papp, J.