Folia entomologica hungarica

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Author(s): Ambrus, B.
Title: A nád-gubacslégy gazdanövény válogatása (Diptera: Chloropidae)
Title: Die Wahl der Wirtspflanze bei der Schilfgallenfliege (Diptera)
Year: 1977
Volume: 30
Pages: 5-7.

Abstract: Lipara lucens (Meig.) avoids to lay eggs on reeds standing in water. The cause to this behaviour is explained by the anatomical structure and biology of the reed showing hygrophilous and xerophilous habit. Here the differences are analyzed and light is shed on the development of galls through the biotic effect of the selected reed.

Journal: Folia entomologica hungarica
Journal abbreviation: Folia ent. hung.
ISSN: 0373-9465
Publisher: ,
Editor(s): Mahunka, S.