Folia entomologica hungarica

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Author(s): Lacasa, A., Contreras, J., Sanchez, J. A. & Torres, J.
Title: Thysanoptera present in broad bean (Vicia faba L.) and their parasitic implications in the South-east of Spain
Year: 1996
Volume: 57
Pages: 75-81.

Abstract: During the growing season on 1993/94 and 1994/95 we have studied the Thysanoptera fauna associated with broad bean crops and their parasitic implications in Murcia (Spain). Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande, 1895), Thrips angusticeps Uzel, 1895 and Melanthrips fuscus (Sulzer, 1776) were the species more commonly found and abundant either in flowers or shoots. Damage caused by F. occidentalis and Th. angusticeps has been observed both in leaves and shoots. Besides Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV) transmitted by F. occidentalis affected some 90% of plants. Dynamic population for each species has also been monitored. The predator Aeolothrips tenuicornis Bagnall, 1926 was the fourth more abundant species.

Journal: Folia entomologica hungarica
Journal abbreviation: Folia ent. hung.
ISSN: 0373-9465
Publisher: ,
Editor(s): Mahunka, S.