Folia entomologica hungarica

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Author(s): Krčmar, S. & Mikuska, J.
Title: The behaviour of some male horse-flies in Croatia (Diptera: Tabanidae)
Year: 2000
Volume: 61
Pages: 187-200.

Abstract: The total number of collected (1987-1996) horse-flies was 18,503. Within this sample only 202 (1.09%) specimens were males belonging to 24 species. According to the literature and after the examination of other collections of horse-flies 39 species and 1 subspecies of male horse-flies are in Croatia. Of these 40 taxa of males 17 are linked to the continental areas of Croatia, mostly collected in woods of either oak-trees: Querco-Carpinetum croaticum, Genisto elate-Quercetum roboris and Carpino betuli-Quercetum roboris lyp-icum or of beeches and firs Abieti-Fagetum illyricum. 16 species are linked to the Mediterranean part of Croatia, mostly collected in complexes of oak-trees and white hornbeams: Querco-Carpinetum orientális croaticum and on the flowers of Paliurus spina christi and Clematis flamula. Males of Chrysops viduatus, Atylotus loewianus, Tabanus autumnalis, Tabanus bromius, Tabanus glaucopis, Tabanus tergestinus and Philipomyia graeca were established in both parts of Croatia. Several males of the species Dasyrhamphis anthracinus and Philipomyia graeca were collected in the morning hours, while they were hovering in the air 1 m above the ground at an air temperature of 22°C. Males of Philipomyia aprica were collected towards evening, while which were hovering at about 1.5 m above the ground at an air temperature of 21°C. Other males were collected on the humid soil of forest paths, while alighting on a red car, or on the flowers of some plants.
Keywords: Tabanidae, males, Croatia

Journal: Folia entomologica hungarica
Journal abbreviation: Folia ent. hung.
ISSN: 0373-9465
Publisher: ,
Editor(s): Mahunka, S.