Fragmenta Minerologica et Palaeontologica

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Author(s): Kecskeméti, T. & Vörös, A.
Title: Biostatigraphische und paläoökologische Untersuchungen einer transgressiven eozänen Schichtserie (Darvastó, Bakony-Gebirge)
Title: Biostatigraphic and palaeoecologic studies on the Eocene transgressive series at Darvastó (Bakony Mts, Hungary)
Title: Biosztratigráfiai és paleoökológiai vizsgálatok egy transzgressziós eocén rétegsoron (Darvastó, Bakony-hegység)
Year: 1975
Volume: 6
Pages: 63-93.

Abstract: The Eocene beds at Darvastó make the hanging-wall of the bauxite accumulated in a large karstic sink formed in the Upper Triassic dolomites; on the basis of characteristic larger foraminiferids (first of all Nummulites laevigatus and Alveolina stipes) their age is Early Lutetian. The practically continuous sequence (more than 17 m thick) can be divided into four units; these are alternately argillaceous and carbonate in character and are very varied both vertically and horizontally. The temporal change of the lithology and the fossil biota fairly shows the tendency in the change of the environment - from lagoon to epeiric open sea.

Journal: Fragmenta Minerologica et Palaeontologica
Journal abbreviation:
ISSN: 0367-2697
Publisher: Népművelési Propaganda Iroda, Budapest
Editor(s): Nagy, I. Z. & Nemes, I.