Fragmenta Minerologica et Palaeontologica

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Author(s): Jánossy, D. & Krolopp, E.
Title: Die pleistozänen Schnecken- und Vertebraten-Faunen von Süttő (Travertine, Deckschichten und Spalten)
Year: 1981
Volume: 10
Pages: 31-58.

Abstract: An up-to-date synopsis is given from the hitherto known Pleistocene snail and vertebrate faunae of the travertines of Süttő (Western Hungary) and adjacent sediments (fissures, covering loesses). The age of the travertine is only now determined as Lowermost Pleistocene. A new, very detailed stratification of the fissure and covering loessy deposits is also given.

Journal: Fragmenta Minerologica et Palaeontologica
Journal abbreviation:
ISSN: 0367-2697
Publisher: Népművelési Propaganda Iroda, Budapest
Editor(s): Vörös, A. & Nemes, I.