Fragmenta Minerologica et Palaeontologica

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Author(s): Vörös, A.
Title: Preliminary results from the Aszófő section (Middle Triassic, Balaton area, Hungary): a proposal for a new Anisian ammonoid subzonal scheme
Year: 1987
Volume: 13
Pages: 53-64.

Abstract: The investigated section comprises a more than 10 m thick, well-bedded, cherty, bituminous limestone series. From this "Reifling-type" sequence a huge amount of fossils has been collected bed-by-bed. Ammonoids are represented by 3 018 specimens of 29 species and indicate the Pelsonian sub-stage. Vertical distribution of the ammonoid taxa shows a well-defined succession. The lowermost part is characterized by dominant Balatonites (mainly B. balatonicus) and by fewer Norites and Beyrichites. After an almost barren interval, in the higher part the genus Bulogites becomes characteristic. The topmost few beds contain Beyrichites reuttensis and Paraceratites binodosus. This succession harmonizes well with the faunal horizons suggested by ASSERETO (1971) and on this basis a new subzonal scheme within the Balatonicus and the Trinodosus Zones is proposed.

Journal: Fragmenta Minerologica et Palaeontologica
Journal abbreviation:
ISSN: 0367-2697
Publisher: Múzsák Közművelődési Kiadó, Budapest
Editor(s): Vörös, A. & Nemes, I.