Author(s): Nemestóthy, K. & Mahunka, S.
Title: Injurious and parasitic acarid species in the fauna of Hungary
Title: Kértevő és parazita Acaridae-fajok Magyarország faunájából
Year: 1972
Volume: 5
Pages: 361-374.
Abstract: Considerable damages have been wrought by Acarid species in agriculture, horticulture, and in stored food products several times in recent years in Hungary. This situation necessitated a more thorough study of our Acarid fauna. Besides the pest groups, additional faunistical and systematical investigations on not parasitic or indifferent species were also necessary for the comprehensive treatment of our mite fauna, to be published as a separate fascicle in the serial work “Fauna Hungariae”. In the Hungarian text of the present paper, all collected and examined mite species (those carrying the symbol + were hitherto unknown from our fauna) are listed, while those considered pests are treated also in a key of identification. The discovery of the species Tyrophagus neiswanderi Johnston et Bruce, 1965, is worthy of mention, since it was heretofore shown also from the USA; while the damages done by T. similis Volgin, 1949, was considerable as well on flower bulbs as on the cultivated mushroom. In identifying tne Tyrophagus species, the keys constructed by Samsinák (8) and Dohnston et Bruce (4) were especially useful. However, in the species group characterizable by the short setae d1 and d2 further investigations are needed for the species. The authors studied the species Tyrophagus similis Volgin, 1949 and T. silvester Zachv., 1941, and believe to have found the distinctive features, given also in the Figures. Concerning the species Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Schrank, 1781), the authors state that T. dimidiatus (sensu Türk et Türk) cannot be identified, owing to the form of the supracoxal hair (9, p. 221. Abb. 178:c), with T. putrestentiae (sensu Zachvatkin = T. noxius Zachv., 1941). Nevertheless, they deem it practical - as the types in question cannot be examined - that the form T. noxius Zachv. should hereafter be regarded as the type of T. putrescentiae.Journal: Parasitologia HungaricaJournal abbreviation: ISSN: 0303-688XPublisher: Népművelési Propaganda Iroda, BudapestEditor(s): Holló, F., Harsányi, L., K. Murai, É., Thoma, A. & Nemes, I.