Parasitologia hungarica

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Author(s): Pónyi, J., Biró, P. & Murai, É.
Title: On the food, growth and internal parasitic worms of Acerina cernua L. (Pisces) in the Lake Balaton
Title: A balatoni vágódurbincs (Acerina cernua L.) táplálékáról, növekedéséről és belső parazita férgeiről
Year: 1972
Volume: 5
Pages: 383-408.

Abstract: Authors investigated the nutrition, growth as well as the parasitic worms of the intestine and body cavity of 100 ruff (Acerina cernua L.) living in Lake Balaton. The organisms serving as food for ruff are discussed in pages 385-387; Table 1 summarizes the quantitative results of food organisms and their respective seasonal change. Comparisons were made between series of ruff living under different conditions (Bay of Tihany and environs of Badacsony) but collected at the same time, whose alimentary canals had been examined (Table 2). Furthermore, authors compared the food of ruff in 1970 with that in the years of 1957-59 (Table 5). By using earlier data, an attempt was made to assess the changes of the lake biological equilibrium resulted from the great fish desctruction in 1965. Thus earlier data proved to be of documentary nature. List as well as quantitative and qualitative fluctuation of worms are given in Tables 3 and 4, respectively. In comparing the incidence of the two most abundant species, Proteocephalus cernuae Gmelin and Crowcrocoecum skrjabini Iwanitzky in 1960-61 and 1970, an increase of the number of C. skrjabini was noted (Tables 7 and 8). The number of intestinal worms of ruff living in the environs of Tihany and Badacsony, respectively, is significantly different in the autumn. Changes in the qualitative and quantitative composition of food organisms can be accounted for the phenomenon. The condition of fish, their growth, interrelationships of parasitic infestation have been investigated with graphic methods too (Figs. 1-3). Standard length compared to weight growth and the development of the condition-factor can be correlated to the number of intestinal parasites. The degree of infestation is in close relationship with growth when considering the composition of food and seasonal and environmental changes. As regards the number of food organisms found in the alimentary canal of the fish in the environs of Tihany, Cyclops species, Cladocera (especially Chydoridae) and some Diptera species are of significance. Earlier and our own data show a shift in the frequency of Diptera–Amphipoda ratio toward Diptera in the alimentary canal of Acerina cernua. This phenomenon may possibly be brought into relation with the increasing eutrophization of Lake Balaton.

Journal: Parasitologia Hungarica
Journal abbreviation:
ISSN: 0303-688X
Publisher: Népművelési Propaganda Iroda, Budapest
Editor(s): Holló, F., Harsányi, L., K. Murai, É., Thoma, A. & Nemes, I.