Author(s): Kobulej, T.
Title: On the organization of anthelmintic pharmacotherapeutic control measures in large scale animal farming
Title: Gyógyszerterápiai beavatkozások szervezése parazitózisok leküzdésére a nagyüzemi állattenyésztés viszonyai között
Year: 1973
Volume: 6
Pages: 11-22.
Abstract: Due to the advances in proper understanding of the bionomics and epidemiological characteristics of, and availability of highly effective drugs against most important parasites, a new epoch opens for the control of parasitic diseases. The casual medication of parasitized animals is to be replaced by reasonable treatment procedures aiming at virtual eradication of disease from a stock. There is no general pattern applicable to all conditions since the epidemiology of a specific disease is closely related to the climatic, telluric, hydrological, management factors, etc. There is, however, a single principle to be observed, viz., the treatment is supposed to be adjusted to the epidemiological features of the particular disease. Details are given on how to approach such a control in relation to fasciolosis, monieziosis, amidostomosis and hypo-dermatosis in Hungary.Journal: Parasitologia HungaricaJournal abbreviation: ISSN: 0303-688XPublisher: Népművelési Propaganda Iroda, BudapestEditor(s): Kassai, T., Kralovánszky, A., K. Murai, É., Thoma, A. & Nemes, I.