Parasitologia hungarica

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Author(s): Nosek, J., Černy, V., Gulyás, M., Molnár, E., Ernek, E., Kožuch, O. & Labuda, M.
Title: Population density of small vertebrates and their role as hosts of ticks
Title: Kisemlősök populáció-sűrűsége és szerepük a kullancsok közvetítésében
Year: 1973
Volume: 6
Pages: 239-246.

Abstract: In Central European TBE foci small mammals, such as bank vole, yellow necked mouse and long-tailed fieldmouse are the main hosts for Ixodes ricinus larvae. Birds are the main hosts of nymphs in natural foci of the theriodic type; small rodents and insectivores may be the main hosts of nymphs in TBE foci of the therio-boskematic type. As a rule small insectivores contribute less to the level of population density of ticks than do small rodents. For maintenance of the virus and the tick population in an elementary focus of TBE only those host-populations are of importance which coincide with the seasonal and spatial incidence of ticks. Very high population density of nymphs and adult ticks, over 600 specimens for 100 square meters, was observed in grazing forests and in ecotone pasture-forest in regions with game keeping.

Journal: Parasitologia Hungarica
Journal abbreviation:
ISSN: 0303-688X
Publisher: Népművelési Propaganda Iroda, Budapest
Editor(s): Kassai, T., Kralovánszky, A., K. Murai, É., Thoma, A. & Nemes, I.