Author(s): Kassai, T., Takáts, Cs. & Redl, F.
Title: The immunogenic capacity of unisexual Nippostrongylus-infections in the rat: a quantitative assay
Title: Unisexualis Nippostrogylus-fertőzések immunizáló hatásának kvantitatív vizsgálata patkányban
Year: 1974
Volume: 7
Pages: 43-54.
Abstract: Minimal number of male and female worms and the shortest exposure to worms necessary for the induction of immunity was determined in rats by the method of intraduodenal transplantation of 8 day old worms and subsequent anthelmintic treatment. No evidence of “low dose induction” of immunological tolerance in adult rats was noted. It was found that a minimal 4 day exposure to a single female Nippostrongylus may result in immunity to subsequent larval infection while a population of 5 female worms can be immunogenic following an exposure as short as 1 or 2 day duration. Male parasites proved slightly less immunogenic. The extremely powerful immunogenic capacity of living worms contrary to that of non living antigenic preparations suggests that besides antigenic determinants living parasites produce further factor(s) playing relevant function in the process of immunisation.Journal: Parasitologia HungaricaJournal abbreviation: ISSN: 0303-688XPublisher: Népművelési Propaganda Iroda, BudapestEditor(s): Kassai, T., Kralovánszky, A., K. Murai, É., Thoma, A. & Nemes, I.