Parasitologia hungarica

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Author(s): Tenora, F., Vaucher, C. & Murai, É.
Title: On the development of the uterus of some Anoplocephalidae (Cestoda: Paranoplocephala, Andrya)
Title: Az uterus fejlődése néhány Anoplocephalidae fajnál (Cestoda: Paranoplocephala, Andrya)
Year: 1981-1982
Volume: 14
Pages: 79-82.

Abstract: The development of the uterus in Paranoplocephala omphalodes (Hermann, 1783) and Andrya rhopalocephala (Riehm, 1881) are very similar. The essential difference is that in P. omphalodes the uterus develops both between the longitudinal excretory canals and overlapping bilaterally the canals as well, whereas in A. rhopalocephala the uterus develops between the longitudinal excretory canals only. The characteristics of the development of the uterus in both species are documented photographically. Attention is directed to the difference of the uterus morphology in three groups of the family Anoplocephalidae: a) species belonging to the genus Anoplocephaloides; b) species of the genera Paranoplocephala and Andrya; c) species of the genus Anoplocephala.

Journal: Parasitologia Hungarica
Journal abbreviation:
ISSN: 0303-688X
Publisher: Népművelési Propaganda Iroda, Budapest
Editor(s): K. Murai, É., Thoma, A. & Nemes, I.