Parasitologia hungarica

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Author(s): Kassai, T.
Title: The second decennium of the Hungarian Society of Parasitologists
Title: A Magyar Parazitológusok Társasága második évtizede
Year: 1984
Volume: 17
Pages: 127-132.

Abstract: Presidential report held at the plenary session of the Hungarian Society of Parasitologists devoted to the twentieth anniversary of its foundation in 1964. Major activities of the HSP are briefly surveyed and major achievements obtained during the last decade on the field of veterinary, medical and zoological parasitology in Hungary are outlined. The critical assessment concludes by suggestions for further activities of the HSP.

Journal: Parasitologia Hungarica
Journal abbreviation:
ISSN: 0303-688X
Publisher: Népművelési Propaganda Iroda, Budapest
Editor(s): K. Murai, É., Thoma, A. & Nemes, I.