Parasitologia hungarica

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Author(s): Kutzer, E., Sugár, L. & Buchacher-Tonitz, S.
Title: Beiträge zur Parasitenfauna der wildlebenden Wiederkäuer Ungarns. II. Aufbauentwicklung des Parasitenbefalles bei Rehen (Capreolus c. capreolus)
Title: Adatok a magyarországi vadon élő kérődzők parazitafaunájához. II. Az őzek parazitás fertőzöttségének alakulása az életkor és az élőhelyi viszonyok függvényében
Year: 1988
Volume: 21
Pages: 85-97.

Abstract: “Contributions to the parasite fauna of Hungarian game Ruminants. II. Dynamics of parasite infection of roe deer (Capreolusi c. capreolus)”. – The prevalence and intensity of some parasites of three roe deer populations were investigated in deer 2-24 months old in relation to the afforestation rate of the habitat and deer population density. The overall prevalence of abomasal trichostrongylid nematodes was 95.5% and that of intestinal nematodes 65.4%. The most common species were: Ostertagia leptospicularis (81.9%), Spiculopteragia böhmi (77.3%), and Skrjabinagia kolchicida (74.2%). The main intensity was low: lowest in deer 2 months old, the highest in 14-16 months old. It is concluded that the parasite burden is mainly affected by the afforestation of the habitat but less so by the density of the roe deer population.
Keywords: prevalence, roe deer, Capreolus capreolus, Nematodes, main intensity, parasite burden

Journal: Parasitologia Hungarica
Journal abbreviation:
ISSN: 0303-688X
Publisher: Kontakt Studió, Budapest
Editor(s): K. Murai, É., Thoma, A., Majoros, G. & Dezső, Gy.