Parasitologia hungarica

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Author(s): Sátorhelyi, T. & Sréter, T.
Title: Studies on internal parasites of tortoises
Title: A szárazföldi teknősök belső élősködői
Year: 1993
Volume: 26
Pages: 51-55.

Abstract: Faecal samples were collected from a total of 71 tortoises (53 Testudo hermanni, 2 T. graeca, 1 T. marginata, and 15 Agrionemys horsfieldi) three times and processed by flotation, sedimentation and Baermann’s technique. Ciliate trophozoites and cysts (Balantidium and Nyctotherus spp.), oxyurid eggs and larvae; and roundworm eggs were found by flotation and Baermann’s technique. According to the results of coprological examinations the tortoises were divided into a mebendazole-treated (2 × 400 mg/kg per os), an albendazole-treated (2 × 100 mg/kg per os) and an untreated control group. Both drugs showed 100% efficacy against oxyurids and ascarids. No toxic effects were observed. The prevalence of the expelled worms was: Atractis, Mehdiella, Tachygonetria and Thaparia spp. (Oxyuridae, mixed infection) 71.8%, Angusticaecumholopterum (Anisakidae) 8.5% and Spiruridae sp. 1.4%. Ciliates and oxyurids seem to be slightly or non-pathogenic despite the rather high intensity of infections. However, A. holopterum caused severe symptoms (anorexia, vomitus and exsiccosis) in two tortoises which harboured only two and three large ascarids, respectively. Low level roundworm infections may cause diagnostic problems because the faecal egg output might be moderate.
Keywords: reptiles, parasites, diagnosis, therapy, tortoises, diseases, ciliates, oxyurids, roundworms

Journal: Parasitologia Hungarica
Journal abbreviation:
ISSN: 0303-688X
Publisher: Magyar Parazitológusok Társasága, Budapest
Editor(s): K. Murai, É. & Thoma, A.