Vertebrata hungarica

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Author(s): Dely, O. Gy.
Title: Angaben zur morphologischen Variation der Eidechsenarten Ungarns. I. Bergeidechse (Lacerta vivipara Jacquin)
Year: 1978
Volume: 18
Pages: 7-54.

Abstract: Paper summarizes the results of investigations carried out on the morphological variation of the lizard Lacerta vivipara Jacquin. Data taken from 70 Europaen specimens originating from different lowland and mountain localities have shown an increased variability of the morphological characters in populations from lowland localities, but variability decreased in groups living more northwards or in mountain regions. The increased variability of the mentioned populations may be caused by the reduced viability owing to isolation. The lowland form of Lacerta vivipara revealing an increased variability and living in refugial territories of the former glacial are seems to be more ancient type while the mountain form represents an advanced one.
Subject: zoology

Discussed taxa:
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Lepidosauria
Ordo: Squammata
Family: Lacertidae
Genus: Lacerta
Species: vivipara

Journal: Vertebrata hungarica
Journal abbreviation: Vert. hung.
ISSN: 0506-7839
Publisher: Népművelési Propaganda Iroda, Budapest
Editor(s): Dely, O. G. & Nemes, I.