Vertebrata hungarica

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Author(s): Böhme, W.
Title: Das Problem der Hierarchie innerartlicher Gruppierungen
Year: 1982
Volume: 21
Pages: 47-54.

Abstract: Within a species one can often distinguish between groupings which correspond to objectively different levels of differentation. The level of these diferentations may vary between semispecies and local population rank. On the other hand the zoological system supplies us with only one category for the nomenclatoral expression of infraspecific relative relationship. Several examples taken from the European herpetofauna are used to demonstrate the absurdity of infraspecific concepts currently accepted for many European, especially Mediterranean reptile species. An alternative to this unsatisfactory situation would be the concept of "megasubspecies" as developed by American ornithologists. This concept would allow to express infraspecific relationship also in herpetology better than before, but nevertheless in harmony with the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature.
Subject: zoology

Journal: Vertebrata hungarica
Journal abbreviation: Vert. hung.
ISSN: 0506-7839
Publisher: Népművelési Propaganda Iroda, Budapest
Editor(s): Dely, O. G. & Nemes, I.