Vertebrata hungarica

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Author(s): Günther, R.
Title: Ergebnisse experimenteller Kreuzungen zwischen Wasserfröschen (Anura, Ranaidae) aus verschieden Ländern Europas und Mittelasiens
Year: 1982
Volume: 21
Pages: 157-168.

Abstract: Crosses were performed between Rana ridibunda specimens from the GDR and those from distant ecographic regions (W. Hungary, S. Yugoslavia, E. Bulgaria and Soviet Central Asia). Some of the F1 hybrids proved to be fertile, but others were of reduced fertility. The crosses between Rana lessonae from the GDR and animals of the same species from N. Yugoslavia, Ukraine and NW. Russia resulted in successful embryonic development, but mortality among the F1 hybrids was very high during or shortly after metamorphosis.
Subject: zoology

Discussed taxa:
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Amphibia
Ordo: Anura
Family: Ranidae
Genus: Rana
Species: ridibunda

Journal: Vertebrata hungarica
Journal abbreviation: Vert. hung.
ISSN: 0506-7839
Publisher: Népművelési Propaganda Iroda, Budapest
Editor(s): Dely, O. G. & Nemes, I.