Annales Musei historico-naturalis hungarici

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Author(s): Puthz, V.
Title: Die vorder- und hinterindischen Arten der Gattung Edaphus Motschulsky (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae)
Title: The Southeast Asian species of the genus Edaphus Motschulsky, Coleoptera: Staphylinidae
Year: 1979
Publication date: 1979-12-31
Volume: 71
Pages: 107-160.

Abstract: General and descriptional remarks on the genus Edaphus Motsch., key to the species of India, Sri Lanka, and Indochina. Revisional remarks on various species and description of 48 new species: E. adiposus sp. n. (Thailand), E. annamensis sp. n. (Vietnam), E. bipunctatus sp. n. (Vietnam), E. brachypterus sp. n. (Nepal), E. brevialatus sp. n. (Malaya), E. chalcographus sp. n. (India), E. corpulentus sp. n. (Malaya), E. crinitus sp. n. (Thailand, Malaya), E. divisicollis sp. n. (N-India), E. elongatus sp. n. (Nepal), E. fosscollis sp. n. (N-India), E. furcatocollis sp. n. (N-India), E. gracilis sp. n. (N-India), E. grannulipennis sp. n. (Vietnam), E. imitator sp. n. (Thailand), E. immpennatus sp. n. (N-India), E. impenniger sp. n. (Nepal), E. inaequalis sp. n. (Thailand), E. insperatus sp. n. (Malaya), E. jaccoudi sp. n. (Malaya), E. kashmiricus sp. n. (Kashmir), E. lineaticollis sp. n. (Nepal), E. lineatus sp. n. (Nepal), E. mandax sp. n. (Singapure, Thailand), E. mandicus sp. n. (Nepal, Thailand), E. minutus sp. n. (Nepal), E. nepalensis sp. n.(Nepal), E. pahangenis sp. n. (Malaya), E. peninsularis sp. n. (Malaya), E. pilosus sp. n. (Nepal), E. planus sp. n. (Vietnam, Thailand), E. plicifer sp. n. (Malaya), E. pumilus sp. n. (Malaya), E. puncticollis sp. n. (Thailand), E. punctulatus sp. n. (N. India), E. rivalis sp. n. (Malaya), E. setosus sp. n. (Nepal), E. siamensis sp. n. (Thailand), E. similor sp. n. (N. India, Nepal), E. singaporensis sp. n. (Singapore), E. sparsus sp. n. (Malaya, Singapore), E. subcarinatus sp. n. (Thailand), E. sybaris sp. n. (Singapore), E. taylori sp. n. (Malaya, Singapore), R. tongkiensis sp. n.( Vietnam), E. topali sp. n.(N-India), E. vietnamensis sp. n. (Vietnam), E. wittmeri sp. n. (India: Assam). Four taxa are synonimized: E. cameroni Comellini, 1977 (nec Puthz, 1974) syn. n. = E. duplex nom. n., E. longicollos Bernhauer, 1929, syn. n. = E. heikeringeri Bernhauer, 1929, E. magnipennis Bernhauer, 1929, syn. n. = E. sulcipces Bernhauer, 1929.
Subject: entomology

Journal: Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici
Journal abbreviation: Annls hist.-nat. Mus. nat. hung.
ISSN: 0521-4726
Publisher: Népművelési Propaganda Iroda, Budapest
Editor(s): Kaszab, Z. & Papp, J.