Annales Musei historico-naturalis hungarici

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Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici (Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung.) is an international journal, a non-profit oriented publication forum in the fields of mineralogy, paleontology, botany, zoology, physical anthropology and history of natural sciences. As a yearbook, it is the successor of Természetrajzi füzetek (= "Natural History Booklets") and is continuously published since 1903 every year.

On this homepage you can find information on the journal and the papers published in it. Browsing and searching by authors, title, year of publication, subject, and by expressions occurring in the abstract and keywords (the papers have abstract from 1973 and keywords from 2001) is possible. You can also download the full text papers in PDF format. This option will be available only when the digitalisation of the given volume will be completed.

HU-ISSN 0521-4726