Annales Musei historico-naturalis hungarici

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Author(s): Papp, J.
Title: A survey of the European species of Apanteles Först. (Hymenoptera, Braconidae: Microgastrinae) XI. "Homologization" of the species-group of Apanteles s. l. with Mason's generic taxa. Checklist of genera. Parasitoid host list 1
Year: 1988
Publication date: 1988-12-31
Volume: 80
Pages: 145-175.

Abstract: The species-groups of the genus Apanteles Förster are reidentified and homologized with the genera erected or revalidated by Mason (1981). The following 12 generic names are applied for the species Apanteles s. l.: Apanteles Förster sensu Mason, Choeras Mason, Cotesia Cameron, Deuterixys MAson, Distatrix Mason, Dolichogenidea Viereck, Glyptapanteles Ashmead, Iconella Mason, Illidops Mason, Pholetesor Mason, Protapanteles Ashmead and Sathon Mason. A checklist of the species for all genera is compiled, indicating every valid as well as synonymous names. New synonyms are as follows: Dolichogenidea laevissima (Ratzeburg, 1848) sen. name = D. tersus (Papp, 1973) syn. n.: Apanteles hemara Nixon, 1965 sen. name = A. bulgaricus Balevski et Tobias, 1980 syn. n.; Protapanteles incertus (Ruthe, 1859) sen. name. = P. caberae (Marshall, 1885) syn n.; Cotesia flagitata (Papp, 1971) sen. name = C. jaicus (Tobias, 1986) syn. n.; Cotesia inducta (Papp, 1973) sen. name= C. tenuivalis (Tobias, 1986) syn. n.; Cotesia judaica (Papp, 1970) sen. name = C. dzhanybeki (Tobias, 1986) syn. n.; Cotesia melitaearum (Wilokson, 1937) sen. name. = C. ukrainica (Tobias 1986) syn. n.; Cotesia pilicornis (Thomson, 1859) sen. name= C. pilliflagellaris (Tobias, 1986) syn. n.; Cotesia praepotens (Haliday, 1834) sen. name = C. beshtaui (Tobias, 1986) syn. n.; Cotesia setebis (Nixon, 1974) sen. name = C. khibinica (Tobias, 1986) syn. n.. The name Glyptapanteles fausta (Nixon, 1973) is revalidated inspite of having synonymized it with G. eugeni (Papp, 1972). Type designations and taxonomic remarks on Cotesia cajae (Bouché), Cotesia pieridis (Bouché) and Glyptapanteles rubens (Reinhard) are added. A parasitoid host list is compiled according to the alphabetic order of the generic as well as specific names. The authentical host names are given in italics in the text. In the present part the host list is afforded for the genera Dolichogenidea Viereck and Pholetesor Mason.
Subject: entomology

Journal: Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici
Journal abbreviation: Annls hist.-nat. Mus. nat. hung.
ISSN: 0521-4726
Publisher: Múzsák Közművelődési Kiadó, Budapest
Editor(s): Matskási, I. & Papp, J.