Annales Musei historico-naturalis hungarici

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Author(s): Bajzáth, J.
Title: Plant macrofossils from Hungarian Pleistocene II. Angiospermatophyta in Győrújfalu, West Hungary
Year: 1996
Publication date: 1996-12-31
Volume: 88
Pages: 5-29.

Abstract: A great number of plant-remains was found in the gravel-pit near Győrújfalu between 20 and 35 metres depth. The age of this assemblage according to the biostratigraphy of the vertebrates and molluscs is Günz-Mindel (Cromer) interglacial. Among these fossil plants there are tree trunks, cones and seeds of gymnosperms, fruits and seeds of angiosperms and oospores of Characeae. The taxa of angiosperms are mainly herbaceous, aquatic or wetland species. In the assemblage the seeds of Potamogeton, Carex, Ranunculus and oospores of Characeae species dominated. Nine different plant communities could be distinguished by the macrofossils. Almost whole vegetation succession of the filling backwater is reconstructed from the communities. With 27 figures.
Subject: palaeontology

Journal: Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici
Journal abbreviation: Annls hist.-nat. Mus. nat. hung.
ISSN: 0521-4726
Publisher: Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest
Editor(s): Matskási, I. & Merkl, O.