Fragmenta Palaeontologica Hungarica

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Author(s): Hír, J.
Title: Early and Middle Miocene (MN5-MN6) transitional rodent fauna from Litke (North Hungary, Nógrád County)
Year: 2013
Volume: 30
Pages: 101-137.

Abstract: During the last decade significant new fossil microvertebrate faunas were collected by the author and his students from the intercyclic series in the Kretabanya Valley at Litke. The two localities (Litke 1 and Litke 2) are interbedded between the marine Karpatian and Badenian series. The studied fossiliferous sediments are dark gray freshwater marl and diatomaceous earth. Its under lying bed is the Karpatian marine schlier (Garab Formation). The overlying bed consists of Badenian marine calcareous sands (Samsonhaza Formation). In this paper the description of the rodents is presented. The Litke material can be correlated with the latest MN5 faunas of Austria and Southern Germany because of the presence of the following species: Cricetodon meini, Spermophilinus besana, Paleosciurus sutteri, Miopetaurista dehmi, Megacricetodon minor, Democricetodon mutilus. Some faunal elements show relationships with the Central Asian Miocene: Alloptox katinkae, Miodyromys sp. Based on comparison with the faunal succession of the North Alpine Foreland Basin the age of the fauna can be estimated between 15.2−14.8 MY, which refers to the Early Badenian. The rodent fauna from Litke suggests more dry than humid environmental conditions. With 50 figures and 4 tables.
Keywords: Systematics, Central Paratethys, stratigraphy, rodents, Early Badenian, terrestrial Miocene
Subject: palaeontology

Journal: Fragmenta Palaeontologica Hungarica
Journal abbreviation: Fragm. Palaeont. Hung.
ISSN: 1586-930X
Publisher: Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest
Editor(s): Dulai, A., Lőkös, L. & Fuisz, T. I.