Fragmenta Palaeontologica Hungarica

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Fragmenta Palaeontologica Hungarica (Fragm. Palaeont. Hung.) – an international, peer-reviewed, non-profit-oriented, paleontological journal – publishes papers in fields of palaeontology and its interdisciplinary relations. Topic should be associated with paleontological research in Hungary (e.g. author, locality, depository of material, paleobiogeographical or historical relations). The journal is issued once a year, usually at the end of the year. At first, from 1969 until 1996 (volumes 1-18) its name was Fragmenta Mineralogica et Palaeontologica, and later, from 2001 (volume 19), it changed to Fragmenta Palaeontologica Hungarica.

Deadline for submitting manuscripts: first week of February every year, preferably in British English language and with illustrations of printable quality. Manuscripts of palaeontologists of the HNHM or palaeontologists working on the collections of HNHM are privileged. Only original papers, following the instructions to authors, are accepted.

On this homepage you can find information on the journal and the papers published in it. Browsing and searching by authors, title, year of publication, subject, and by expressions occurring in the abstracts and key words (the papers have abstract from 1973 and key words from 2001) are possible. You can also download the full text papers in PDF format. This option will be available only when the digitalisation of the given volume will be completed.

HU-ISSN 1586-930X

Instructions to authors