Miscellanea zoologica hungarica

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Author(s): Korsós, Z.
Title: Polydesmus polonicus Latzel, 1884, new to the fauna of Hungary (Diplopoda: Polydesmida)
Year: 1989
Publication date: 1989-07-15
Volume: 5
Pages: 71-75.

Abstract: A new species to the millipede fauna of Hungary: Polydesmus polonicus Latzel, 1884, is recorded and described. Previous occurrences of the species are summarized, and its geographical distribution is outlined.
Keywords: Hungary, Diplopoda, distribution, Polydesmida, Polydesmus polonicus, Latzel, 1884

Journal: Miscellanea zoologica hungarica
Journal abbreviation: Miscnea zool. hung.
ISSN: 0230-9017
Publisher: Múzsák Közművelődési Kiadó, Budapest
Editor(s): Forró, L., Murai, É., Korsós, Z., Pintér, L. & Nemes, I.