Miscellanea zoologica hungarica

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Author(s): Szabó, A.
Title: Ciliata (Protozoa, Ciliphora) species in alkaline biotopes of the Hortobágy National Park new to Hungary
Year: 2000
Publication date: 2000-11-30
Volume: 13
Pages: 5-10.

Abstract: Studies have been carried out in the alkaline biotopes (water, soil) of the Hortobágy National Park, Hungary. In the water samples 17 species {Holophrya vesiculosa, Prorodon marinus, Urotricha sapropelica, Coleps incurvus, Trachelophyllum vestitum, Bryophyllum tegularum, Spathidium procerum, Vasicola ciliata, Nassula brunea, Clatrostoma viminale, Caenomorpha sapropelica, Parurostyla viridis, Holosticha viridis, H. similis, Uroleptus musculus, U. caudatus, Balladinopsis sphaerica), while in the soil 4 species (Enchelys gasterosteus, Spathidium longicaudatum, Holosticha tetracirrata, Uroleptus caudatus) and 1 genus {Perisincira) proved to be new to the Hungarian fauna. Characteristics of their biotopes and their main ecological factors are given in Tables 1-2.
Keywords: alkaline soil, plant associations, Ciliata, ecology

Journal: Miscellanea zoologica hungarica
Journal abbreviation: Miscnea zool. hung.
ISSN: 0230-9017
Publisher: Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest
Editor(s): Forró, L., Hajdú, É. & Matskási, I.