Parasitologia hungarica

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1990-1998 volumes: 31, 29-30, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23
1980-1989 volumes: 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13
1970-1979 volumes: 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3
1960-1969 volumes: 2, 1

year: 1992; volume: 25

1992: title pages. - Parasitologia Hungarica, 25: -.

Sréter, T., Sebestyén, T., Dubey, J. P. 1992: Neosporosis in a dog in Hungary. - Parasitologia Hungarica, 25: 5-8.

Békési, L., Assis Feitosa, V., Cabral, F. A. B. 1992: Metacestodosis caused by plerocercoids of Proteocephalidea (Cestoda) in fish fry cultured in large scale in the Brazilian Northeast. - Parasitologia Hungarica, 25: 9-13.

Irshadullah, K., Nizami, W. A. 1992: Development of protoscoleces of Echinococcus granulosus from buffalo liver and lung cysts in dogs. - Parasitologia Hungarica, 25: 15-22.

Murai, É., Mészáros, F., Sey, O. 1992: On parasitic helminths of mammals living in the environs of Lake Balaton. I.. - Parasitologia Hungarica, 25: 23-36.

Gubányi, A., Mészáros, F., Murai, É., Soltész, A. 1992: Studies on helminth parasites of the small field mouse (Apodemus microps) and the common vole (Microtus arvalis) from a pine forest in Hungary. - Parasitologia Hungarica, 25: 37-51.

Genov, T., Stoykova-Hajinikolova, R., Mészáros, F. 1992: Molinostrongylus spp. (Nematoda: Molineidae) from bats in Bulgaria, with a review of European species. - Parasitologia Hungarica, 25: 53-68.

Egri, B., Krepsz, Gy. 1992: Nematode infection and its therapy in some zoo ruminants. - Parasitologia Hungarica, 25: 69-77.

Baska, F., Bóna-Puppán, F. 1992: Losses caused by the snail commensalist Chaetogaster limnaei Baer, 1827 among sterlet larvae (Acipenser ruthenus L.). - Parasitologia Hungarica, 25: 79-83.

Papp, L. 1992: Flies (Diptera) visiting human faeces in mountain creek valleys in Hungary. - Parasitologia Hungarica, 25: 85-96.

Cyprich, D., Krumpál, M., Lukáš, J. 1992: Contribution to the knowledge of the flea fauna (Siphonaptera) of dormouse nests (Myoxidae) in Slovakia. - Parasitologia Hungarica, 25: 97-105.