Studia botanica hungarica

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Author(s): Csontos, P., Lőkös, L. & Molnár, K.
Title: Numerical analysis of lichen zones in Komárom, NW Hungary
Year: 1999-2000
Publication date: 2000-12-01
Volume: 30-31
Pages: 127-140.

Abstract: Lichen distribution data in the town and the surroundings of Komárom were analysed numerically to support the visually established lichen zones. Three types of hierarchical classification methods were used for grouping the sampling sites based on their species lists. When group structure of the dendrograms were analysed, results obtained by the global optimization method made the most complete interpretation possible. In general, the sampling sites characterized by epiphytic lichens showed more stable, repetitive group structure in the dendrograms than those of having predominantly saxicolous lichen flora. Considerable coincidence with the two, visually established "struggle zones" was obtained when the numerically defined subgroups, characterized by epiphytic lichens, were re-allocated to the map of the study area.
Keywords: air pollution, Jaccard-index, Komárom, lichen mapping, numerical analysis, struggle zone
Subject: botany

Journal: Studia botanica hungarica
Journal abbreviation: Studia bot. hung.
ISSN: 0301-7001
Publisher: Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest
Editor(s): Papp, B. & Matskási, I.