Studia botanica hungarica

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Author(s): Bauer, N.
Title: Vegetation of the Baglyas-Iszka-hegy dolomite horst range (Bakony Mts, Hungary)
Year: 2009
Publication date: 2009-11-30
Volume: 40
Pages: 11-35.

Abstract: The Baglyas–Iszka-hegy dolomite horst range is an island-like block of the eastern Bakony. Based on the pedological features and the current secondary vegetation types (dry grasslands, scrubs) on parts of the bare dolomite plateau forming the central part of the region and on the gentle southern slopes the natural vegetation is presumed to be variably opened thermophilous oak forests dominated by Pubescent oak. Vegetation mapping showed that the zonal vegetation of the Baglyas-hegy region was xerophilous oak forest (cf. Vicio sparsiflorae-Quercetum pubescentis). The former extent of this association was probably greater than now. Its recent stands can mainly be found in tempered habitats of the valleys. The characteristic units of the vegetation in the mapped area are edaphic vegetation types determined by dolomite bedrock. The occurrences of rocky grassland–steppe slope–shrub forest complexes (Seseli leucospermi-Festucetum pallentis, Fumano-Stipetum eriocaulis, Chrysopogono-Caricetum humilis, Cotino-Quercetum pubescentis) of the Baglyas–Iszka-hegy range are especially remarkable. Although the se are not undisturbed, in the last half of the century their development in several places was determined by natural processes. On other parts of the area (mainly on its northern third) moss-capped oak forests can be supposed as natural vegetation. Hornbeam oak forests occur just in extrazonal situations on more humid soils. Stands of Fago-Ornetum and Primulo veris-Tilietum occurring in valleys characterised by rocky and debris slopes are restricted, but are important vegetation patches. Species richness of these is lower than in the typical stands of the same associations occurring in the inner parts of the Bakony Mts, since in the region of Baglyas-hegy, beech groves, and in relation to these several humid forest elements, are absent or rare. Due to anthropogenic reasons, units of vegetation types with unclear plant coenological status are frequent in the study area. Sub-Mediterranean elements, which are typical on the Balaton Uplands and on other parts of the eastern Bakony are also present, prominently in dry oak forest–dry grassland–rocky grassland series of the horst range (e.g. Aethionema saxatile, Amelanchier ovalis, Artemisia alba, Bupleurum praealtum, Carex halleriana, Convolvulus cantabrica, Coronilla coronata, Crupina vulgaris, Ononis pusilla, Plantago argentea, Prospero elisae, Sternbergia colchiciflora, Valerianella coronata). Species composition of the vegetation types is affected by Pannonian (e.g. Astragalus vesicarius subsp. albidus, Seseli leucospermum, Iris humilis subsp. arenaria) and continental elements (Artemisia austriaca, Hypericum elegans, Phlomis tuberosa, Serratula lycopifolia, S. radiata, Silene bupleuroides, Stipa tirsa, Taraxacum serotinum, Vinca herbacea) of the plain-colline forest steppe vegetation occurring in high numbers caused by the mountain marginal status. Considering the botanical merits of the area it is proposed that it should be declared a conservation area at a level that seems most appropriate in context of other protected areas in the wider region.
Keywords: vegetation map, phytogeography, Bakony Mts, dolomite vegetation
Subject: botany

Journal: Studia botanica hungarica
Journal abbreviation: Studia bot. hung.
ISSN: 0301-7001
Publisher: Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest
Editor(s): Papp, B. & Matskási, I.