Author(s): Erzberger, P., Németh, Cs., Papp, B., Mesterházy, A., Csiky, J. & Baráth, K.
Title: Revision of the red list status of Hungarian bryophytes 1. New occurrences of species previously thought to be regionally extinct or without recent data
Year: 2015
Volume: 46
Pages: 15-53.
Abstract: For 37 species that have been without recent data and therefore listed in the categories
regionally extinct (RE) and data deficient (DD, DD-va), new occurrences have been detected.
These are documented with precise localities, date of collection, collectors, herbarium specimens,
associated bryophytes, and taxonomic annotations where appropriate. Some are also illustrated by
photographs, and for three of them we include distribution maps. According to the present state of
knowledge and IUCN criteria, of these 37 species 10 are critically endangered, 14 are endangered,
2 are vulnerable and 5 are near threatened. In spite of the new occurrences, 6 species are rated data
deficient (DD).Keywords: liverworts, mosses, IUCN categories, threatened taxa
Journal: Studia botanica hungaricaJournal abbreviation: Studia bot. hung.ISSN: 0301-7001Publisher: Hungarian Natural History Museum, BudapestEditor(s): Barina, Z., Alegro, A., Buczkó, K., Hably, L., Lakušić, D., Lőkös, L., Papp, B., Shevera, M. & Szurdoki, E.