Author(s): Papp, B., Erzberger, P. & Marka, J.
Title: Contributions to the bryophyte fl ora of central and southern Albania
Year: 2018
Volume: 49
Pages: 15-38.
Abstract: 213 bryophyte taxa were recorded during a field trip leading to various sites of central and southern Albania. Nine species (Bryum ruderale, Fissidens adianthoides, F. crassipes, Grimmia fuscolutea, G. meridionalis, Orthotrichum patens, O. philibertii, Tortella fasciculata, T. infl exa) were collected for the first time in Albania. 31 species found have conservation interest; rare on the Balkans or even in Europe or/and candidates of the new European bryophyte red-list.
Keywords: liverworts, mosses, new national records, the Balkans, species of conservation interest
Journal: Studia botanica hungaricaJournal abbreviation: Studia bot. hung.ISSN: 0301-7001Publisher: Hungarian Natural History Museum, BudapestEditor(s): Barina, Z.