Studia botanica hungarica

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Author(s): Ács, É., Földi, A., Kiss, K. T. & Buczkó, K.
Title: The first Hungarian record of a rare Gomphonema (Bacillariophyta) species from temporary ponds
Year: 2019
Volume: 50
Pages: 19-27.


Abstract: The first record of Gomphonema jadwigiae in Hungary and morphological characteristics of the species (including scanning electron microscope details) are provided. The species was observed in samples taken from some bomb crater ponds situated in the northernmost part of the Kiskunság National Park, near the village of Apaj, in the plain of the Danube–Tisza Interfl uve, Central Hungary. Gomphonema jadwigiae occurred in three ponds, and it was dominant in one of them. In its first description the species was regarded as an oligotrophic indicator, but our results suggest that it can tolerate the elevated salinity and nutrient concentration as well. Key words: Gomphonema jadwigiae, bomb crater ponds, salinity

Journal: Studia botanica hungarica
Journal abbreviation: Studia bot. hung.
ISSN: 0301-7001
Publisher: Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest
Editor(s): Barina, Z.