Author(s): Süveges, K., Takács, A., Tóth, K., Török, P., Vikár, J. & Molnár, Cs.
Title: Taxonomical and chorological notes 14 (138–152)
Year: 2021
Volume: 52
Pages: 65-79.
Abstract: The present part of the series provides miscellaneous new records of 15 taxa of vascular plants from Hungary. New chorological records are provided here: Androsace maxima, Helminthia echioides and Hypericum elegans are new for the ‘Közép-Tisza-vidék’, Helminthia echioides is also new to the ‘Duna-sík’, Aphanes arvensis and Medicago rigidula are new in the ‘Hajdúság’, Bolboschoenus maritimus is new for the Putnok Hills and Sajó Valley, Draba muralis is new for the Mátra Mts, Eriochloa villosa is a new alien weed in Western Hungary, Erucastrum nasturtiifolium is new for the
‘Zagyva-völgy’ microregion, Gagea minima is new for the ‘Cserhát’, Polycarpon tetraphyllum is new to the flora of the Transdanubian Mountains, a new population of Reseda inodora has been found in the Kiskunság (Harta), Sherardia arvensis is new both for ‘Nyírség’ and ’Hajdúság’, Tordylium maxmimum is new for the ‘Marosszög’ microregion, and the rare hybrid Tragopogon ×crantzii is new for the Jászság.Keywords: vascular plants, Fabaceae, Rosaceae, Hungary, Brassicaceae, Apiaceae, Asteraceae, Caryophyllaceae, Cyperaceae, Poaceae, Hypericaceae, Liliaceae, Primulaceae, Resedaceae, Rubiaceae
Subject: botany
Journal: Studia botanica hungaricaJournal abbreviation: Studia bot. hung.ISSN: 0301-7001Publisher: Hungarian Natural History Museum, BudapestEditor(s): Lőkös, L.