1980-1989 volumes: 23, 22, 21, 201970-1979 volumes: 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 121960-1969 volumes: 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 21950-1959 volumes: 1
Dely, O. Gy., Stohl, G. 1989: Asymmetrische Augen-Aberration bei der Ringelnatter (Natrix natrix Linnaeus) (Serpentes, Colubridae). - Vertebrata hungarica, 23: 5-8.
Dely, O. Gy., Stohl, G. 1989: Phylogenetische Probleme in dem Vipera ursinii-Formenkreis (Serpentes, Viperidae). - Vertebrata hungarica, 23: 9-20.
Dely, O. Gy., Stohl, G. 1989: Further data to the description of the subspecies Vipera ursinii ebneri Knoepffler et Souchurek, 1955 (Serpentes, Viperidae). - Vertebrata hungarica, 23: 21-28.
Stohl, G. 1989: Some remarks of the paired ovaries of birds (Aves). - Vertebrata hungarica, 23: 29-32.
Topál, Gy. 1989: Tertiary and Early Quaternary remains of Corynorhinus and Plecotus from Hungary (Mammalia, Chiroptera). - Vertebrata hungarica, 23: 33-55.
Cao, van Sung 1989: On the problem of zoogeographical division of the rodent fauna of Vietnam (Mammalia, Rodentia). - Vertebrata hungarica, 23: 57-66.
Faragó, S. 1989: Die Gemse (Rupicapra rupicapra Linnaeus, 1758) in Ungarn (Mammalia, Artiodactyla). - Vertebrata hungarica, 23: 67-72.
Stohl, G. 1989: Gedanken über die ersten Phasen der Domestikation von Huftieren (Mammalia, Ungulata). - Vertebrata hungarica, 23: 73-79.