Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici

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2010-2019 volumes: 111, 110, 109, 108, 107, 106, 105, 104, 103, 102
2000-2009 volumes: 101, 100, 99, 98, 97, 96, 95, 94, 93, 92
1990-1999 volumes: 91, 90, 89, 88, 87, 86, 85, 84, 83, 82
1980-1989 volumes: 81, 80, 79, 78, 77, 76, 75, 74, 73, 72
1970-1979 volumes: 71, 70, 69, 68, 67, 66, 65, 64, 63, 62
1960-1969 volumes: 61, 60, 59, 58, 57, 56, 55, 54, 53, 52
1950-1959 volumes: 51, 50, 49, 48, 47, 46, 45, 44, 43, 42
1940-1948 volumes: 41, 40, 39, 38, 37, 36, 35, 34, 33
1930-1939 volumes: 32, 31, 30, 29, 28, 27
1920-1929 volumes: 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18
1910-1919 volumes: 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8
1900-1909 volumes: 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

year: 1981; volume: 73

1981: title pages. - Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici, 73: -.

Kaszab, Z. 1981: In memoriam Dr. István Boros (1891-1980). - Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici, 73: 5-7.

Embey-Isztin, A., Noske-Fazekas, G. 1981: On the chemistry of the large phenocrysts in the tuff of Godóvár (Börzsöny Mts., Hungary). - Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici, 73: 9-31.

Vörös, A. 1981: A survey of the Rhaetian (Upper Triassic) Bivalvia from Borzavár (Bakony Mts., Hungary). - Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici, 73: 33-54.

Szabó, J. 1981: Lower and Middle Jurassic Gastropods from the Bakony Mountains (Hungary). Part III.: Patellacea and Trochacea (Archaeogastropoda). - Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici, 73: 55-67.

Nagy, I. Z. 1981: Unterkretazische Cephalopoden aus der "Marmorgrube" bei Zirc (Bakony-Gebirge, Ungarn). - Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici, 73: 69-77.

P. Komáromy, Zs. 1981: Chlorokardion salinarum sp. n. from Hungary (Xanthophyceae, Chloramoebales). - Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici, 73: 79-81.

Szujkó-Lacza, J. 1981: Revision of three Astragalus taxa (Leguminosae) and their cenological relations. - Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici, 73: 83-100.

Löbl, I. 1981: Zwei neue Arten der Gattung Scaphoxium Löbl (Coleoptera, Scaphidiidae). - Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici, 73: 101-104.

Löbl, I. 1981: Über einige Arten der Gattung Scaphisoma Leach (Coleoptera, Scaphidiidae) aus Vietnam und Laos. - Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici, 73: 105-112.

Last, H. R. 1981: Zyras and related genera from Tanzania (Coleoptea, Staphylinidae). - Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici, 73: 113-117.

Pace, R. 1981: Duo nuove specie di Leptusa Kr. del Museo Ungherese di Storia naturale (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). - Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici, 73: 119-122.

Puthz, V. 1981: Eine neue Stenus-Art aus der Mongolei (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). - Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici, 73: 123-125.

Hołyński, R. 1981: Buprestidae (Coleoptera) from Vietnam. - Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici, 73: 127-131.

Kirejtshuk, A. G. 1981: Novyj rod zhukov podsem. Meligethinae (Coleoptera, Nitidulidae) iz Juzhnoj Afriki. - Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici, 73: 133-135.

Ślipiński, S. A. 1981: A rewiew of the Cerylonidae (Coleoptera) from New Guinea. - Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici, 73: 137-145.

Kaszab, Z. 1981: Die Arten der Gattung Stenosida Solier, 1835 (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae). - Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici, 73: 147-157.

Kaszab, Z. 1981: Faunistische und taxonomische Studien über Meloiden (Coleoptera). - Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici, 73: 159-185.

Uhmann, G. 1981: Anthiciden (Coleoptera) aus Afrika, Teil 2. - Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici, 73: 187-196.

Endrődi, S. 1981: Neue und seltene Dynastinen aus Südamerika und eine synonymische Bemerkung (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae). - Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici, 73: 197-202.

Strejček, J. 1981: Breviurodon africanus gen. et sp. n. aus Congo-Brazzaville (Coleoptera, Urodonidae). - Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici, 73: 203-205.

Frieser, R. 1981: Neue tropische Anthribiden (Coleoptera, Anthribidae). - Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici, 73: 207-216.

Bajtenov, M. S. 1981: Novye vidy dolgonosikov iz Mongolii (Coleoptera, Curculionidae). - Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici, 73: 217-220.

Vojnits, A. M. 1981: Data to the Eupithecia fauna of Asia (Lepidoptera, Geometridae). - Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici, 73: 221-237.

Fischer, M. 1981: Revisionen zur Taxonomie der Doryctinen-Gattungen Osmophila Szépligeti, Monarea Szépligeti und Hypodoryctes Kokoujev (Hymenoptera, Braconidae). - Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici, 73: 239-251.

Papp, J. 1981: Three new Orgilus Hal. species from the Indo-Australian Region (Hymenoptera, Braconidae: Mimagathidinae). - Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici, 73: 253-261.

Papp, J. 1981: A survey of the European species of Apanteles Först. (Hymenoptera, Braconidae: Microgasterinae), V. The lacteus-, longipalpis-, ultor-, butalidis- and vipio-group. - Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici, 73: 263-291.

Szelényi, G. 1981: Two new species and a strange new genus of Eulophidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) from Hungary. - Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici, 73: 293-296.

Mahunka, S. 1981: Oribatiden (Acari) aus der Mongolei, I. Archoribatida Arten. - Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici, 73: 297-303.

Tóth, T. 1981: The odontological aspect in the ethnogenesis of Hungarians, I.. - Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici, 73: 305-312.

Gladkova, T. D., Tóth, T. 1981: The dermatoglyphics of Hungarians from Szendrő. - Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici, 73: 313-324.