Studia botanica hungarica

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2020-2023 volumes: 54, 53, 52, 51
2010-2019 volumes: 50, 49, 48, 47, 46, 45, 44, 43, 42, 41
2000-2009 volumes: 40, 39, 38, 37, 36, 35, 34, 33, 32
1990-1999-2000 volumes: 30-31, 29, 27-28, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22
1980-1989 volumes: 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14
1973-1979 volumes: 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8

year: 1983; volume: 16

1983: title pages. - Studia botanica hungarica, 16: -.

Hably, L. 1983: The relation between Pb-pollution along mainroads and the trace element-composition in soil and vegetation (Examination of section rectangular to M3 mainroad). - Studia botanica hungarica, 16: 5-40.

Bohus, G. 1983: Some results of systematical and ecological research on Agaricales, IX.. - Studia botanica hungarica, 16: 41-47.

Babos, M. 1983: Mycological examination of sawdust depots in Hungary II.. - Studia botanica hungarica, 16: 49-52.

P. Verseghy, K. 1983: Beiträge zur Kenntnis der türkischen Flechtenflora. - Studia botanica hungarica, 16: 53-65.

Rajczy, M. 1983: About the length of active life of some xerophytic cryptogams in the dry season. - Studia botanica hungarica, 16: 67-72.

Stollmayerné Boncz, E. 1983: The flora of the Csömör pool. - Studia botanica hungarica, 16: 73-82.

Szollát, Gy. 1983: Data to the flora of Cegléd and its surroundings. - Studia botanica hungarica, 16: 83-97.

Kováts, D. 1983: Poaceae type specimens of Herbarium Carpato-Pannonicum I. (Erianthus-Agrostis). - Studia botanica hungarica, 16: 99-107.

Szujkó-Lacza, J. 1983: Distribution and diversity of Gentianella austriaca, Gentianella austriaca ssp. fatrae (Borb.) em. SzL. and Gentianella livonica (Eschholz apud Grisebach) em. SzL. - Studia botanica hungarica, 16: 109-116.

Hajdu, L., Taller, A., Jakab, D., Bodroghelyi, L. 1983: Methodische Diversitätsstudien an Diatomen des Baches Dera, Ungarn. - Studia botanica hungarica, 16: 117-130.